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The Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. is holding its 38th North Luzon Area Assembly at the 

Cordillera Convention Hall, Baguio Country Club, Baguio City

on NOVEMBER 9-10, 2023 

with the theme:


“MAPPING THE FUTURE: Embracing Innovation and Technological Advancements for Geodetic Engineers


During the technical sessions, significant topics have been presented and discussed by competent resource speakers where the delegates (geodetic engineers) could further enhance their skills and competence aside from earning CPE Units for the renewal of their respective professional licenses.


The following documents/presentations can be dowloaded using the following links:

  1. Engr. Isabelo B. Cosalan Jr. City Councilor, Baguio City - "MORAL VALUES and ETHICS"
  2. Engr. Raymond Arnold S. AlbertoPresident/Owner RASA Surveying and Realty - "LIDAR: What Do We Need to Know as Geodetic Engineers"
  3. Engr. Randolf S. Vicente - Member, Professional Regulatory Board of Geodetic Engineering, PRC - "Coastal Sea Level Rise: Measurement and Monitoring for Climate Change Adaptation"      
  4. Engr. Concordio D. ZuñiagaMember, Professional Regulatory Board of Geodetic Engineering, PRC - "ACPE: Its Beneficial Effects to a Geodetic Engineer"

  5. Mr. Mhelson D. Soriano, CPA, Group Supervisor, BIR-CAR - "

    Real Estate Tax Amnesty Law

  6. Engr. Romeo P. Versoza, Asst. Director, Land Management Bureau (LMB), DENR -, Local and International Speaker – "

    Manual on Land Surveys in the Philippines (MLSP) - Updates

  7. Engr. Epifanio D. LopezMember, Professional Regulatory Board of Geodetic Engineering. PRC -  "The Impact of Innovative and Emerging Technologies on the Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial Information Fields"     

  8. Engr. James Dexter A. Grageda, Geodetic Engineer / Sole Proprietor, GEOIDEX Surveying & Mapping Systems – "Application of Geomatics Engineering"
  9. Engr. Maria O. AmorosoDirector IV, DHSUD-CAR - "Pambansang Pabahay Program"