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The Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. is holding its 46th Regional Convention of the GEP Regional Division 3 at the 

Lamborghini Function Hall, Subic Bay Peninsula Hotel,

Burgos Corner, Canal  Road, Subic bay Freeport Zone

on FEBRUARY 14-15, 2020 

with the theme:




During the technical sessions, significant topics have been presented and discussed by competent resource speakers where the delegates (geodetic engineers) could further enhance their skills and competence aside from earning CPE Units for the renewal of their respective professional licenses.


The following documents/presentations can be dowloaded using the following links:

  1. ENGR. JOSEPH RAYMUND M. BERNAS, SBMA - "Infrastructure Development in Subic Bay Freeport Zone"
  2. ENGR. RONALD M. TIONG, GIS Consultant - "Application of Civil 3D, Google Earth PlexEarth"
  3. ENGR. JUAN P. FERNANDEZ, JR., Chief, Survey and Mapping Division, DENR R3 - DENR R3 Updates: Land Administration Management System (LAMS); IVAS; Delineation of Production Forest for Investment Demarcation of Production Areas     
  4. ENGR. JAMES DEXTER A. GRAGEDA, BOD, GEP R3, CPD Chair - Applying GIS/RS Techniques for Land Development and eSurvey, eTD-ApplicationFormLotdata Template, eTD_Lotdata Template, Linear Regression Template
  5. ENGR. ROMEO P. VERZOSA, Asst. Director, Land Management Bureau (LMB), DENR - "Updates on LAMS - Linking LGUs"     
  6. DR. CORAZON AGUILAR- DAVID, LIB, MPS , Local and International Speaker – "REVISITING LAWS ON WOMEN: a Tool to Guide Men in Observing, Respecting , and Promoting Women’s Rights"
  7. ENGR. LOUIE P. BALICANTA – Geodetic Engineering Department -  "Implementation of RTK GNSS for Property Survey"     
  8. ENGR. RANDOLF S. VICENTE, Member, PRB Geodetic Engineering, PRC PRGB – "Career Progression and Specialisation"
  9. ENGR. ROMER KRISTI ARANAS, University Researcher, UP Diliman – "GRASPED and STAMINA4Space"
  10. ENGR. ROEL M. DELA CRUZ, Spvg Science Research Specialist – "Mapping: Artificial Intelligence"
  11. ENGR. ROMMEL M. ANTONIO – "Land Development"